Meet the Irons Mill Farmers
We are the Milliron family...
Our story began with a dream (and no children) in 2004.
Living in a town north of Pittsburgh and having both worked in the finance world, we had a desire to one day own a farm where we could raise our children. We dreamed of starting a business on the farm that would allow us to work together as a family, be a blessing to other families, and showcase our beautiful community. So in 2009 we left the life that we knew and embarked on a new adventure. Our new home was an old beef and crop farm in beautiful Amish country..... New Wilmington, PA.
As first generation farmers, we began our journey by growing our very first garden. It was a half acre garden and that first year we had enough tomatoes to feed most of Lawrence and Mercer counties! We also began raising cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, donkeys, ponies, and chickens. Our family learned very quickly those first couple of years that we didn't know much at all! Our appreciation for all farmers grew so much during those first few years.
As we began to clean up the "old farm" in the early years, our vision for sharing it with other families started to take shape. In 2012, we opened our doors to the public for the very first time. Our annual fall fun festival and corn maze now hosts families from all over western PA and eastern OH. In 2014, we opened our gorgeous wedding barn which now hosts weddings each weekend from May through December.
Now, 19 years after that dream in 2004 (and 6 children later), we want to spend the day with you and your family! Our season runs from early September through the early November. With great food, music, plenty of seating, attractions galore, and a great deal on season passes, the excitement never ends! So come on out, bring the kids, bring the grandparents, and enjoy some good ole' farm fun of a lifetime!
See you at the farm!
-Rob & Stacy Milliron
Ty, Paris, Milania, Drake, Gracie, and Nash (& Teddy)

Our Family
Rob & Stacy Milliron
Ty, Paris, Milania, Drake, Gracie, Nash and "Teddy"
Ty, Paris, Milania, Drake, Gracie, Nash and "Teddy"